Monday, May 09, 2005


Vacation Blogging

Maybe it's just the fact that I'm on vacation, but there is NOTHING to blog about, nothing. It's like the lame second half of Full Metal Jacket. The story continues, but all the cool stuff has already happened. Social security reform, judges, illegal immigration etc. What has not been said about all these already?

With that, I turn to my navel.

Things I (so far) did on my vacation:

-Sealed driveway. The fumes almost got to me a few times, but I survived it fully intact.

-Stained both decks and fence. I have this cool new power sprayer. It's loud as all get out (which I enjoy)and it cuts my staining time down to nothing. My forearms will be rust colored for the next few weeks, but that's the price of progress.

-Cleared fence row (still doing that). I have this family of quail living in the brush and I can't bring myself to clear that part. However, the quail bring the snakes which was the whole reason I was clearing the brush in the first place. After finding a four foot copperhead sunning in my backyard near where my son plays I knew the brush had to go. I think the quail family's days are numbered.

-Replace actuator on truck. I didn't really replace it, all I did was locate it and decide that I needed a professional to do it.

-Replaced Lattice under decks. Rabbits live under my deck and chew holes through the lattice. I've left open spaces this time in hopes that they will not destroy these.

I still have alot to do before I return to work, but I think that was a good start.
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