Monday, April 18, 2005


The Week

This week's sample:

Good looks add an average of 5% to a person's earning power, according to a new study by the federal reserve. Men are most helped by being tall, women by being slim. (

I've heard this all my life. But I believe that self esteem has more to do with it than "looks". If people think your nice to look at, likely so do you. This tends to make one more assertive, which is a definite plus in the business world or anywhere else.

Americans discard 133,000 obsolete personal computers everyday. (U.S. News & World Report)

That's nearly 50 million a year, can that be right?

70% of Americans think the tax code is too complicated, but 51% wouldn't want to give up any deductions to simplify it; 45% support eliminatiing them. (AP-Ipsos)

Oh my, a poll from the AP, now where's my grain of salt. This isn't an either-or game. Why present it as either simplify the tax code and have higher taxes (through no deductions) or not simplify and have lower taxes? Oh yeah, it's the AP.

For the first time in 14 years, inflation is outpacing the average American worker's wage increase. Prices in 2004 were up 2.7%, while wages rose only 2.5%. (LA Times)

Another poll from another questionable source. I have two words to explain this," gas prices". My work here is done.
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