Friday, April 15, 2005



On a lot of blogs I visit the responders to a post are more interesting to read than the actual post itself. I've always thought that it might be worthwhile to have a blog that did nothing but highlight the best comments made at other blogs. Given the number of blogs out there, coupled with the fact that I'm not all that creative, there is likely someone that is already doing this. Even so, I would like to add to that work today.

Over at Evangelical Outpost, Joe Carter has a post about the need for Christians to cast away the Gods of information. At one point Mr. Carter states that he thinks some Christians must view heaven as a Boring place:

"How many of us evangelicals have sung a hymn about spending eternity worshipping God and secretly believed that heaven must be an incredible bore? No doubt one reason for our attitude is that we already give such devotion to another. And, like Jehovah, Technology is a jealous god."

In response George Maddox posted this inspirational piece:

Heaven a bore? We worship God by living. We worship by absorbing the wonder of creation through our senses, by being impressed by concepts so huge we can’t comprehend them, by loving, singing and dancing with sheer joy at the wonder of feeling.

We worship by grasping and valuing realizations and insights that allow us to see truth, wiping lies from our eyes and seeing colors of reality.

We worship God by making love to our wives. By looking at beauty, touching it and letting it touch us. By smiling, laughing, eating, sleeping and enjoying peace.

Too many people think worshiping God requires a sacrifice because liars have convinced them that God wants sacrifice. What father wants sacrifice from his children?

Anyone who waits till Sunday to worship God has the world in his eye and can’t see that our senses, or intellect, our sexuality and emotion were made by God not Satan. That lie steals worship from God and gives it to the liar.

Bored? Knowing God makes life itself a celebration every day. There are no special holidays because every day is a holy day. There is no natural because it is all supernatural. The rocks will sing and the heavens declare his glory, and I will be dancing and singing to the music and the song.

And when I am tired I will sleep, and dream of walking, flying, running and loving in God’s creation, and so worship God even in my sleep.

Church is just a place to go and rest after worshiping God so hard during the week.
Bored? I don’t think so.

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