Monday, March 14, 2005


A Mulligan Society

A lot of people appear to be against the new bill that would make it harder to file for bankruptcy (Instapundit has made numerous posts regarding its evils). To my surprise Dave Ramsey came out against the bill as well. I'm surprised because Ramsey has always been an advocate for accountability, noting to callers that cry over the mean old Bank/credit card Co. that, regardless of the company's insensitivity, they do owe the money.

Accountability is the issue here. While I do agree that the credit card companies are far too free about who they issue cards to, the consumer is the one that went out and ran-up a bill they couldn't pay. We are not children, are we?

This is the same mentality that permits over a million abortions a year and a 50% divorce rate. No one wants to take responsibility for their actions, everyone wants to be able to take a mulligan (or two) when they screw-up.
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