Saturday, February 26, 2005


Moles and Me

I believe that all God's creatures serve a purpose. From the lowly sea urchin to the majestic bald Eagle to the guy down the street that's always trying to get me to buy whole life insurance from him (although I'm less sure of that one).

However, my yard has been laid siege to by moles. I don't mean an occasional burrow trail behind the shed, but a subterranean interstate complex complete with exit ramps and secondary roads. How did this happen? I don't know.

Initially I was high-minded about the whole thing, "live and let live" I said. Surely they would go away once their supply of grub or worm or whatever ran out. But alas no, I fear they are here to stay. With that I have decided to fight back against the scourge, to defend my property and my dignity (I think my neighbors are laughing at me).

I have set traps and I have planted poison. I would even sit outside and shoot anything that moves, but they would haul me away for that. The road ahead will be long, dark and dirty. The ending, unknown. But I will prevail against this invasion. They have the superior numbers, but I have the superior intellect, right?
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