Saturday, January 29, 2005


The Yoke of Christ

Defiant Lamb explains what Jesus meant by his Yoke being a light one. D.L. Also has a statement against modern day Christian pharisees:

"We, the Christian community, have become the Pharisees, with our official and unofficial lists of what a "good Christian" should be (don't drink, don't smoke, don't watch The Simpsons, whatever...). You could probably write out a list of "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" from your own experience. Some biblically defensible, but really, bottom line, a thick coating of man-made junk laid over the top of "I love you. Come to me. Rest. You are forgiven.""

I co
uldn't agree more. When a Christian's advice for healthy, Godly, living becomes demands that are to be met for salvation, then they have become a Pharisee.

We should remember that we are loved by the father. Love, not fear, sparks our desire to serve God and keep his laws.

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