Saturday, January 22, 2005


Dobson vs Squarepants

Dr. Dobson speaks out about the whole spongebob issue. I can't help but think Dobson walked into the fan on this one. With Christians still taking lumps over the Tella Tubbies fiasco, couldn't Dobson have found another way to approach this?

Why bring up the cartoon at all since it's only the vehicle for the message that is at issue. This only makes Christians look like a bunch of paranoid fuddy-duddys.

What needs to be answered is This: How can we protect our children from being presented with a view that homosexuality is a normal variation in man like skin color or height?

Answer: We can't. That particular train has left the station. Our children are going to get presented that message somehow, somewhere.

What do we do then? Approach this the same way you approach the teaching of evolution, drugs, sex etc. Give the children a solid knowledge of the Bible and pray, a lot.

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