Tuesday, January 18, 2005


The Culture War is Over

That's what Tom Junod says in his piece "52 True Things About the Future of America" (will need subscription for full article) in the Feb. 2005 edition of Esquire.

Junod says the following:

The culture war is over even as the latest battle gets underway. Despite the results of the most recent election, conservatives can't win. Conservatives can't win because what they're defending is not the Judeo-Christian ethic, as they believe, but rather the moral equivalent of the 55 mile-an-hour-speed limit.

There is a danger grouping all conservatives together, or all liberals for that fact. Some would be found guilty of the above, but many would not. Why did I vote the way I did? Well, I imagine from the same desire as someone who voted opposite of the way I did, I thought it was in my best interest. The idea that there is some conservative Christian kabal out there trying to take away everyone's rights is certifiable. Just as certifiable as believing there is a liberal elite wanting the U.S. to be Godless and empty of morals.

Mr. Junod continues:

Liberals have become people who feel that they have a vote in the culture; conservatives have become people who look to politics to answer their sense of cultural disenfranchisement.

The fact is, the culture doesn't represent liberals any more than it represents conservatives. The culture is merely identified with liberals.

Of course "the culture" is not a picture on the wall or a ham sandwich, it's us. The culture is the way it is because we are the way we are. That's what you get in a Democracy with a market driven economy. If something doesn't suit us, it doesn't survive long (unless it's a governmental program).

Here comes the divide:

America is being divided by its extremes. Conservatives are moving toward religious nationalism. The culture is moving toward a kind of pornography. Liberals have been kidding themselves, thinking that the culture is on their side. The truth is, they don't have a side.

The Kind of pornography that the culture is moving toward is not necessarily sexual. It's omnivorous. It's a culture in which human beings are defined by their sheer utility-sexual, economic. or otherwise.

Again, you can't lump all conservatives together. Some conservatives are libertarians who do not even believe in God, some are isolationists (can you say Pat Buchanan), and yes, some are religious. But, even among religious conservatives there is a great diversity of thought. The overwhelming majority of conservatives are not moving toward "religious nationalism". Sheesh, most just want a government that doesn't treat their views with contempt and paranoia.

Oh, and with the pornographic culture thing. Just because our capitalist society rewards success and utility doesn't make it pornographic. Capitalism is neither inherently good or bad, it's what you make it.

Junod now addresses the liberals:

Liberals say they are for values of choice, freedom, tolerance. But when the culture is one of mercenary nihilism, conservatives have success convincing people that tolerance is not a value.

Learn to engage the culture as conservatives have- politically and morally, instead of merely as consumers.

The culture war is over even as the latest battle gets under way. Liberals will have a future when this statement makes them as uncomfortable as it makes conservatives.

This is very unfair, but not surprising. Conservatives are not tolerant? What is your definition of tolerance Mr. Junod? That may be the real issue here. You have shown no tolerance of the right. In fact you group all conservatives together and talk as if we're a virus that, even though we may not kill the victim (society), can cause terrible damage if left unchecked. Thanks, you've reminded me of why I voted the way I did.

As one who defends pornography on ethical grounds ... I've always wanted to say that ... I don't even know what a pornographic culture is.

But if it means more Jenna Jameson and less Barbra Boxer, I'm on board.

I don't know about the more Jenna Jamison part (whatever floats your boat), but anything that decreases the Boxers of the world has to be a good thing.
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